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McLean, VA

Total Finished Area: 8000 SF


A symphony of sleek lines and eco-conscious design, this house elevates the traditional with a contemporary gabled façade, integrating a green roof as part of its commitment to sustainability. The stark black and white contrast accentuates its modernity, crafted to complement and enhance the surrounding neighborhood.


McLean, VA

Total Finished Area: 7800 SF


This modern castle, with its trio of towering gables, stands as a slender sentinel in its hilltop realm, artfully bridging the traditional with the new. The playful entryway, a sustainable path lined with greenery, leads to a home that commands the land both in stature and in eco-consciousness, its solar panels a silent testament to a self-sustaining majesty.



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 Arlington, VA

Total Finished Area: 7500 SF

Lot Area: 17000 SF


This home is an architectural embodiment of experience, where the design's angular grace creates multi-tiered outdoor sanctuaries for living. A front balcony with a signature green roof signifies sustainable design, while the cantilevered front façade features a captivating parametric brick pattern. Inside and out, this home operates as a modern machine for living, with semi-private gardens, a spa-style terrace, and versatile rooftop areas, ensuring that every day is an elevation of the ordinary into the extraordinary.



McLean, VA

Total Finished Area: 9000 SF


On this unique corner lot, this design marries the curve line of the  property with sustainable innovation, creating a living space that ascends with elegance and intention. At its pinnacle, a rooftop garden and outdoor gym offer a retreat of wellness, transforming daily life into an elevated experience.



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 Arlington, VA

Total Finished Area: 7500 SF

Lot Area: 20'000 SF


Crafting a sky-bound garden from a steep slope, this home boasts a back facade that's a glass-encased portal to privacy and light, despite its generous openness. The contrast between the reserved front and the liberating back creates a haven high above ground level, turning the challenge of the terrain into a lofty living experience, quite literally elevating the act of dwelling to an art form in the skies.



 Arlington, VA

Total Finished Area: 8000 SF

Lot Area: 22'000 SF




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 Arlington, VA

Total Finished Area: 8000 SF

Lot Area: 22'000 SF





 Arlington, VA

Total Finished Area: 8000 SF

Lot Area: 22'000 SF




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Total Finished Area: 7500 SF

Lot Area: 10'000 SF


The G House stands renewed, a testament to thoughtful preservation and modern reinvention. Original architectural features are now complemented by minimal lines and a contrasting palette, where the interplay of glass, metal, stark white stucco, and dark bricks unifies past and present.



Total Finished Area: 8000 SF


In this thoughtfully renovated space, architecture and panorama converge. Large overhangs grace the south side, a sustainable gesture that also frames the stunning views which permeate every room. Interiors are a dialogue of open spaces and warmth, where clean lines meet rich textures, inviting a seamless interplay between home and the expansive beauty beyond. It’s a place where each element is curated to enrich the social tapestry of life, set against the backdrop of nature's masterpiece.






Total Finished Area: 4500 SF



In the heart of a historic Washington D.C. neighborhood, this residence fuses tradition with modernity. While its facade remains true to the area's storied past, inside, the space reinvents itself. It’s an ode to light and openness, where minimalistic design and clever use of space redefine the urban home. Efficiency marries elegance, creating an experience of both heritage and horizon, culminating in a rooftop escape that offers a new way to encounter the city.



Total Finished Area: 8000 SF


This proposal for the subdivision of two lots into four focuses on optimizing both the potential building footprints and green spaces for each of the four properties. This proposal suggests that the home designs of the dwellings on each lot should not sacrifice their scale; instead, they can be designed for optimal comfort and spatial freedom, situated cleverly far back on the narrow linear lots, so that privacy from the streetscape is maintained and maximum natural green space can be utilized. 





Total Finished Area: 2500 SF







Total Finished Area: 4700 SF

Location: Toronto





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